Saturday 31 July 2010

Fireworks to end the day

Opening ceremony - 4000 people

Saturday tea

Bmx 2

Bmx 1


4 fine shots

Rifle shooting

Net ball!

Plating friendship bracelets

Bell ringing

Making drop scones

Learning about rotary charity

Learning about rotary club life boxes, shelter boxes and shoe boxes

Back and forth

Too you - too me

Three cubs and one fire

Another amazing cake

Morgan's mum has once again provided us with this amazing cake.
Perfect for supper tonight with juice or a warm drink. THANK YOU TO

Birthday boy

One of our cubs was 10 yesterday so we're celebrating it with a
birthday lunch and a lovely cake he brought with him.

Lunch time

Balance pole

Bouncy castles

Circus skills

Cubs flatten Luke and jack

Jack and Luke do sumo

Cubs do sumo


Table football

Pillow fights

Swing ball

Another long jump

Rowing machines




Long jump


Getting ready for activities

Breakfast eaten and washed up. Time for activities to start. This
picture represents less than 1 third of the cubs on site - the scouts
and beavers are not even here yet

Washing up


Yes parents, cubs really can wash their own things.

Eat up


Sausage, bacon, bread and beans - yum, yum

Wash time


Breakfast is on it's way

Three keen cubs are cooking breakfast for 25 people. (yes parents,
cubs really can with a bit of supervision cook sausages on a gas
burner.) - all the other cubs are still chilling out in their tents.

Chamboree 2010

Unless I get an extremely wide angled lens or manage to blag a ride in
a helicopter my pictures are never going to do this place justice as
it is simply massive. The site is split into different areas, three of
which are sub-camps where groups pitch their tents. The sub-camps are
called Camelot, tower of London and ours is Nottingham. Each sub-camp
has then marked out spaces for each group to pitch their tents. Our
plot of grass on the Nottingham sub-camp has happily fitted a lovely
frame tent (borrowed from south west district stores), our army
dinner, two cub tents, leaders tents and still has room to fit a large
volley ball net and space to kick a ball around. Other areas on site
include the main arena (including it's own scouting shop, chippy, bar
- no cubs allowed, and restaurant. Their are also 8 activity zones
dotted around with great things for the cubs to try. Tonights
entertainment was meant to be a campfire but because of the weather
the residents of all three sub-camps (several hundred kids and adults)
gathered in a massive marquee tent were we sang songs and danced the
night away. My cubs have no problem with enjoying them selves. After a
drink and cake the cubs had a final toilet trip and went to bed. 11pm
and the cubs are all fast asleep, the only sound is that of leaders
from the different groups sitting up in their respective plots
laughing and joking. Not much chance to take pictures today as we had
already been out and put the tents up but tomorrow is the main
activity day so plenty of photo opportunities. We also have a
wonderful cake to photo and eat provided once again by Morgans mum.